REISCH Maschinenbau

Now with­out com­pressed air

Our new gen­er­a­tion of grip­pers (since 2024) no longer re­quire com­pressed air and are there­fore pleas­antly quiet. We have also sig­nif­i­cantly in­creased all speeds/move­ments - mak­ing the grip­per much more ef­fi­cient for the op­er­a­tors.

Fur­ther im­prove­ments were made to er­gonom­ics and once again to safety. The first 4 grip­pers are de­signed for tools up to 400(500)kg and up to 550mm di­am­e­ter. Other sizes on re­quest.

Round tool gripper without compressed air
Round tool gripper without compressed air
Round tool gripper without compressed air
Round tool gripper without compressed air
Round tool gripper without compressed air